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Sunnyside Up Youth Pregnancy Services

Sunnyside Up

Youth Pregnancy Services

Preparing for your Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy, often considered the “golden period,” brings about specific changes and milestones. Here are some facts about the second trimester:

Duration: The second trimester spans from week 13 to week 28 of pregnancy.

Reduced Morning Sickness: For many women, the nausea and vomiting experienced in the first trimester tend to decrease or disappear during the second trimester.

Increased Energy: Many women experience a surge in energy during the second trimester, often referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy.

Visible Baby Bump: The baby bump becomes more noticeable, and some women may start to feel the movements of the baby, known as “quickening.”

Fetal Movement: By around 18 to 25 weeks, mothers can feel the baby’s movements, which may start as gentle flutters and develop into more distinct kicks.

Weight Gain: Weight gain typically accelerates during the second trimester, and the baby’s growth becomes more evident.

Skin Changes: Some women may experience changes in skin pigmentation, such as a dark line running from the belly button to the pubic area (linea nigra) and darkened skin patches (chloasma or “mask of pregnancy”).

Fetal Development: The baby’s organs and systems continue to mature. Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair appear, and the baby’s skin becomes covered in a fine, downy hair called lanugo.

Gender Reveal: In many cases, the gender of the baby can be determined through ultrasound during the second trimester.

Organ System Screening: Detailed anatomical ultrasound scans are often performed during the second trimester to assess the baby’s development and identify any potential anomalies.

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Some women may start experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions that help prepare the uterus for labor.

Increased Blood Volume: Blood volume continues to increase, which can lead to changes in blood pressure. Some women may experience nasal congestion and bleeding due to increased blood flow.

Maternal Hair and Nail Growth: Hormonal changes can lead to increased hair and nail growth during pregnancy.

Emotional Well-being: With reduced pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, many women feel more emotionally stable and positive during the second trimester.

Sleep Changes: As the baby grows, finding a comfortable sleeping position may become challenging. Some women may also experience vivid dreams.

The second trimester is a time of significant growth and development for both the mother and the baby. Regular prenatal check-ups and proper self-care contribute to a healthy pregnancy experience.

About the Author
Picture of Cicely Wilson

Cicely Wilson

Hi! I’m Cicely Wilson, a birth professional passionate about supporting families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I believe in honoring the mind, body, and spirit of every unique family. I’m certified in multiple areas, providing comprehensive care to families. I advocate for those facing fertility challenges and pregnancy loss and continue to deepen my knowledge in baby care. As a philanthropist, I invest in and mentor emerging leaders in the birth industry. In my free time, I enjoy meditation, sushi, and home renovation shows. Let me empower and support you during this special time.

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